The oral hygiene index consists of the combined debris index and the calculus index. Each index, in turn, is based on 12 numerical determinations that represent the amount of debris or calculus on the mouth and linguistic surfaces of each of the three segments of each dental arch. namely.

What is the best oral hygiene routine?

Brush, floss, and rinse daily.
Brush your teeth at least twice a day (in the morning and at bedtime) and floss at least once a day. Better yet, brush after every meal and snack. These activities remove plaque, which, if not removed, is combined with sugars to form acids that lead to tooth decay.

How do you promote good oral hygiene?

Oral health brush
1) Brush your teeth twice a day. Do not rush while brushing.
2) Use the correct equipment. Use a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush that fits comfortably in your mouth.
3) Practice good technique.
4) Keep your equipment clean.
5) Know when to replace your toothbrush.

What you can do for a healthy mouth?
1) Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
2) Floss every day.
3) Visit your dentist at least every 6 months for dental examination and cleaning, or as recommended.
4) Check your gums to make sure they are pink and that the gumline is firmly embracing the teeth.
5) Stop smoking.

Sometimes we forget that our teeth are just as important as our skin or hair and they also need a lot of care.

So if you have regularly smeared teeth, are afraid of dentists, but still want them to be white, then we have the perfect routine for you.

Oil extraction removes toxins from your tongue and between your teeth to prevent cavities and bad breath.

You can do this once a day, in the morning before eating or before eating. Take 1 tablespoon of oil - it can be coconut oil, sesame oil or olive oil and then put it around your mouth for 10-15 minutes.

Don't swallow the oil when it's time, instead of spitting it out into a cup or the toilet so it doesn't clog your sink.
Top ORAL HYGIENE routine

Then you can use warm salt water glue to remove the remaining oil. Lubricate first to remove food between your teeth, and make sure to brush for at least 2 minutes twice a day, or whenever you eat.

Make sure to remove bacteria on your tongue by using a tongue scraper after brushing! This prevents bad breath and cavities.

Mouthwash will help clean your mouth one last time and will banish bad breath for the rest of the day.

Just take a little in your mouth, turn it over, gargle and then spit it out. You can even make it yourself by mixing 1 cup of water with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of peppermint oil.

The baking soda balances the pH level in your mouth and dispels odors, while the peppermint oil makes it fresh! If you're looking for a natural way to restore the whiteness of your teeth, try turmeric! Dip your toothbrush in the powder and brush your teeth with it for 1 minute.

While the herbs can discolor your teeth, it helps remove the stains.

Try it twice a week, then follow with normal brushing for whiter, brighter teeth! If your teeth are easily stained, avoid drinks like tea, coffee, and cola, and also avoid smoking so that it never turns yellow.

And finally, it is important to have regular dental checkups every 6 months to pay attention to cavities and also to cleaning teeth! We hope you follow this routine to keep your mouth clear of cavities, bad breath, and your teeth sparkling white! Until next time to stay tuned and stay Glamrs.